New Comers




Solutions in troubled, unfamiliar waters


Hold for a minute and let yourself write down what comes to your mind when hearing the word “SUCCESS”!?

Keep in mind, no matter what you wrote, everything is acceptable.

It’s about your own thoughts;

It’s about your own feelings;

It’s about You.

Now, take a breath and…

Do the same with the word “HAPPINESS”.

What do you notice?

Do your wants match the way you live?


“I‘ve been for almost Several months in this new country.I miss my homeland, my family and everything is like a nightmare. I lose my ambition, my dreams, my talents day to day. How can I overcome the current situation and pretty up my new daily routine?” 

“I am a newcomer refuge and have strong ambitions to build up my career in this business community. But I don’t know how to move forward. How can I put my thoughts and desires in order to effectively achieve my goals?”

“When being at work, I don’t manage to voice my ideas to my colleagues and they do not recognize my abilities given the different background I am coming from. How can I communicate more effectively, introduce myself clearer and experience greater inclusion and acceptance?”

“Experiencing adverse conditions and trying to escape mentally from these,missing my loved ones and continuously searching for safety and personal fulfillment make me feel stressed enough and unable to limit and control my negativity. How can I change this mindset and start thinking differently, more positively?”

OCCCO does not close the eyes regarding the global refugee crisis and takes action.

OCCCO Activism to hear,to talk, to support the refugees themselves. Using coaching as a tool for inclusion, OCCCO Coaches have a powerful way to help change people’s lives for the better. Our purpose is to help them to integrate into their new communities, to avoid burn-out, to contribute to their own self-care and to improve with their work efficiency and work-life balance. 

From the importance of your development for you in which your coach will support you, the coach and you will make a plan on how you can reach an achievable goal you formulate together. A well defined goal is important as it clarifies what you want to achieve so you can start to explore with your coach what you need to develop to get there. In these online conversations the coach talks with you about your experiences confidentially. Together you find out in what pattern you get stuck sometimes and what contributes to your success. The coach supports you in your focus to grow and get where you want to be. The coach is not an adviser or consultant who will tell you what to do. Your coach is not a teacher who has all the answers. Your coach and you are partners on your journey. Your coach listens carefully to you, so you will be able to create the best solutions that fit for you. Your coach will cheer you on, challenges you sometimes, creates new perspectives and options with you, because your coach has your best interest at heart.
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